Thursday 21 October 2010

Music Magazine: Masthead Font

  These are my font choices for the masthead of my music magazine, "Rock 'Ard" As you can see I have placed the font spelling "Rock 'Ard" and the fonts own name. When I return to school I will consult my classmates to find which one is most liked by my peers. 

Music Magazine: Name Research Results

Hard Rock Magazine: 1

Rock 'ard:8


Music as a Weapon: 1

Sticks and Picks:0

These are the results from my survey I conducted about name research. Rock 'ard won the survey and I will now experiment with different fonts to see which one looks best with a specific font.

Music Magazine: Name Research

These are several names I have come up with for my magazine: My magazine genre is going to be a rock/metal type of magazine. My inperation for my genre comes from Metal Hammer and Classic Rock magazines.

Hard Rock Magazine

Rock 'ard


Music as a Weapon

Sticks and Picks

 I will now ask my peers to decide which name is the best for my magazine.

School Magazine: Contents Page

This is my final contents page. I have used my research to gain an idea of what to put on a contents page, I have used the same fonts for the titles and subtitles. I have also taken from the research the idea of purely decorative page numbers. The picture at the bottom acts as as border in someways and gives me plenty of space above to place details of pages and regulars etc.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

School Magazine: Contents Research 2

Another school magazine contents page.  This contents page is rather basic featuring only one image that dominates the left hand side of the page. The image location is great placement I would consider placing a image there for my own contents page. I also like the colours used in the background although the pattern could have been much better. The font for page numbers aswell is good since it looks like it was handwritten. The contents doesnt include the school logo which is bad for indentity issue since this contents could have come from any school magazine. I also think the word "contents" could be in a better font.

School Magazine: Contents Research 1

This is a school contents page design.The contents page uses a simple design relateing to the schools colour scheme (blue) The use of two contrasting colours is a great idea since white and blue compliment each other well. I also like the glow around the words "contents page." Things I dont like about this contents page are that the pictures are overlapping and ruin the layout, the layout as well is fairly poor since it is noticable that a template has been used to acheive the placement of the pictures.

School Magazine: Final Product

This is my final cover for my school magazine, I have addressed as many of the problems which are logical, having altered the background it makes the orginal blue text stand out meaning I dont have to change the font. I have also changed the mast head to a bigger font which makes it stand out more on the page.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

School Magazine Final Draft Comments

After producing my final draft I asked my classmates to evaluate my work before I go ahead and make the final product. I was mainly told that the left hand background was rather dull and that the dots on the right hand side were a pointless filler. I was told the main problem was that off the font all over the page was hard to read, and that the title was rather dull and the grey needed to be changed.

School Magazine: Final Draft

This is my final headline after all ajustments and editing. In this final design I have placed circles on the once empty right hand side of the page these circles posess the schools colours, I have also changed the colour of "drama king" to gold since that relates to royalty. I have also placed a issue number on the cover to show what issue it is.

School Magazine: Fifth Draft

For my latest draft I have changed the font to a different more informal relaxed font, as this magazine is for parents and pupils, a slightly more informal aproach would be required. I have added a tag line to the "results are in!" cross head to show its importance to the school that the results are good. I have also moved the splash so it is over the picture. I might however change several features to give the magazine cover some finnishing touches.

School Magazine: Fourth Draft

I have added a touch of grey to the background and moved the cross heads and splash over on the side of the page where the grey is, this makes them stand out. The yellow strip in the middle of the background is a good effect since it makes the picture look like its in the spotlight which as the cover story is about drama. The downside of the yellow is the that it makes the titie blend into the background to much even with the outline on the letters.  

School Magazine Third Draft

For my third draft I have added a outline to the words, this makes them stand out and are easier to read. I have also increased the size of the "drama king" splash, I do however now think the placement of the picture is in slightly the wrong place since he is not looking dead centre at the reader. The background; now with the outlined words make the words look blurrey, I am more concerned about the clarity of the text rather than having a background that relates to Biddulph High Schools colour theme.  

School Magazine: Second Draft

For my first update of my school cover I have moved the picture to the left side of the page, this gives me space to work on the right of the page. On the right of the page I have placed the crossheads. I have also changed the background colours to reflect the schools theme. The problems are that the splash "drama king" doesnt stand out at all, I will change the size of the font and give the font a outline to make it stand out.

Thursday 14 October 2010

School Magazine Front Cover: Comments

I asked my classmates to tell me what they thought of my mock up first draft cover. I was mainly told that the colour scheme is good since it reflects the colour scheme of the school and that the image was a excellent since it has direct eye contact with the reader and so is likley to engage their attention. The points I could improve on are that: the background; while it doesn't clash with any of the colours it doesn't reflect the colour scheme also, the blue doesn't blend in with the picture some I could perhaps tone the shade of blue down. My class mates also said that the splash and main title needed to be bigger to stand out. I will take in to account this feedback when editing my magazine.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

School Magazine First Draft

This is my first mock up of the cover for the school magazine, I have used an image of a class mate which i have edited with the tools on fireworks, I realise that I will need to make some changes to the cover which is why I have asked my class mates to comment on the poster and what I can improve on. This I will post later on

Tuesday 12 October 2010

School Magazine research 3

This is a school magazine done for AS media studies from another school not my own. It has several good ideas, I like the idea of placing the cross head in box to allow them to stand out it also leaves space on right hand side for the main image to be placed, the picture aswell is a very good picture detailing the cause of the magazine to "study smart" with a picture of a smart looking student and the school in the background. I also think the schools logo is in a great location as a pug in the top right corner the splash aswell draws attention. My criticisms on this magazine are the green in the colour scheme, the green is far to harsh on the eyes, it is quite hard to look at, and it doesn't really go with the brightness of yellow chosen by the student, other than that colour scheme problem I will definitely consider this magazine for inspiration.

School Magazine research 2

I know this magazine isn't really a school magazine however while I was searching this magazine really caught my idea for inspiration if I were to base my school magazine on sport, the close long shot of the rugby player could be altered into another sport. I also like the the placement of the mast head on a slant it makes the magazine seem less formal which is the stereotypical view of school being formal, however it is slightly harder to read. The Cross head placement on the page is most excellent although I would have chose, different colours myself.

School Magazine research

For my media studies I also have to make a magazine about our school, these magazine are research for the school magazine, This magazine is for a private school in the outskirts of london.  The magazine is incredibly simple although dynamic. The use of the the whitewashed sliver background gives a sense of regality and upper-class. the high angle shot used by the reader to gain as if they are looking down on the children may show how tight the school is connected by how grouped the children are together. The magazine cover uses no pugs or sub headings, which in my opinion while it does give the cover a of space the image is too small to have domination of the whole page leaves this page with far to much blank space, while i realize the audience are people who would send there children to private schools, so why not place some of the events that happened during the year around the year in the same font as the masthead? it would lose some of the excess space and give parents a insight before they open the magazine of what the magazine is about.