Sunday 19 December 2010

Why I used pictures analysis

I used this Image for the front page since it gives a medium close up on the band. The picture also shows the band united. I turned the picture into a close up however since I didn't know how to turn off the date on the pictures so the end result is a picture which is bigger than anticipated. Practically the picture has space around the outskirts that I used to place things that would normally go on a front cover.

I used this image for the double page spread. I used it since it originally had space around the outside but because of the date issue the image had to be expanded which actually worked out for the best removing most of the footpath in the background. The picture also gave me lots of space around the edges to put the text. Unconventionally I have used a high angle shot. The shot puts space between the band members and shows more dominance since it is a long shot. The idea of the shot was that a God *higher angle* was looking down on them as his underlings. Beleive me hanging on the edge of rock with a steep drop infront of you certainly makes you feel like a god.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Music Magazine: Double Page Draft 3

This is my third draft for my double page spread. Having realized that my background image could be stretched with out losing quality. I reinserted the image to its original format. I have also removed the green which was a little too bright according to my peers. Instead I have hallowed out grey boxes which show the text perfectly and still blend in nicely. I have also added an inspirational quote which is much better than the older quote.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Music Magazine: Double Page Draft 2

This is my second draft for the double page spread. From the previous version I have removed the box which isolated the text. Instead I have given the text a green outline. This relates to the album name OverGrown and the theme of overgrown plant life. I will probably make some further adjustments to this double page after asking my peers.

Thursday 9 December 2010

Music Magazine: Contents Page Draft 3

For my third contents page draft I have replaced the grey background with a colour that fits with my scheme the dark green. I have also placed a kicker in the centre of the page this draws attension and has the word Free which always gets attension.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Music Magazine: Contents Page Draft 2

For my second draft of the contents page I have placed the cover of the magazine in the top corner of the page since it offers a reference of the magazine the audience are reading. I have also changed the font to that of the headline to keep the magazine consistant. I have also added a film strip device at the bottom of the page. It is used to show the headlined act in the issue of the magazine in this case the three members of Lucidity

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Music Magazine: Magazine Cover Draft 4

This is my fourth draft although it has been some time in the making. I have altered the main font to what I and my peers believe is a excellent replacement. I have also added a barcode and a magazine publication brand. Future plublication is a huge producer for many media magazines including Metal Hammer, Classic Rock and Offical Xbox Magazine.

Thursday 2 December 2010

Music Magazine: Contents Page Draft 1

This is my first draft for my contents page. I have included many features found in Metal Hammer magazine. The pictures have a massive number showing the headlining numbers. The use of the cover page as well shows continuity.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Music Magazine: Double Page Draft 1

This is my first draft for my Double page spread. I have loosely based it on Metal Hammer Magazine. I will now ask my peer what they like about it and what I could improve.

Music Magazine: Double Page Aspiration

This is what I would like my double page to look something similar to. It has a great layout and the fonts do not clash. The image is also the dominating feature which is important. There is also a segment of text that is highlight more than the rest of the page. I will attempt to base my magazine around this spread.

Saturday 27 November 2010

Music Magazine: Contents Page Aspiration

This is a issue of Metal Hammer and basically how I want my Contents page to be like when completed I will use this contents as a template for my contents. Important things which look good on this page are the the editors column which will obviously be edited towards my magazine. But mainly the the listings. The listings use a consisting font with only a change of colour for the page number which is a good idea since it separates them. I also like the usage of the double page spread on important segments of the magazine.

Thursday 25 November 2010

Music Magazine: Third Draft

Due to the previous image being blurry I have used a different image which blurred. It also attracts the eyes of all three members of Lucidity. I am still searching for a font to replace the mast head font. I also realize I will have to change Lucidity's name to white so it will stand out on the page. I have encapsulated the title in a bubble type elipse which throughly makes it stand out much more I now need to develop this cover further and make a contents and double page spread.

Thursday 18 November 2010

Music Magazine: Magazine Cover Draft 2

This is my magazine cover 2nd draft while I do like the background I am begining to think that the title font for "Rock 'Ard" is rather poor in practise. While it was voted the popularist font I for the good of the project will change the font since it doesnt look rocky enough therefore not attracted target market. I also added cross heads with band fonts. I will however probably have to change the band names from "Metallica" and  "Iron Maiden" to stop copy right infringements.

Music Magazine: Magazine: Cover Draft 1 Analyisis

I was told by my peers that the background image was a great picture to use as the background. However improvements for me to make are to make the title more visable, add some more cross heads to show whats going to be in the magazine and to make the image stand out more.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Music Magazine: Magazine Cover Draft 1

Currently I have been busy working on my magazine front cover and due to some technical issue which involved me losing my work, resulting in me losing my current progress I have had to start again and which resulted in lack of postings recently.
This is my first draft of my magazine it is only a basic mock up therefore I will add addintional thing to it upon later mock ups. I will also need to change fonts and add extras like cross heads and a band logo.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Music Magazine: Layout Results

The results for my layout templates are that the more decorative layout 3 is the more popular design, maybe because the design appealed to the more mass market the result are as followed:

Layout 1: 2

Layout 2: 2

Layout 3: 7

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Music Magazine: Research Conventions 2

 This is a very conventional magazine cover for a band. It features a band who are pictured with a low angle shot to make them look powerful. They are also shown in a long shot which shows their domance of the page. The splash segrigates their faces from their bodies which shows the most important thing on the page is the bands faces rather than the legs. Other conventions include the pug in the top right corner depicting that the readers will get a free CD and the postitions of the cross heads in the bottom right side is generally a place where they would go.

This a semi-conventional magazine cover. The main unconventionals are that Dave Mustane is covering most the magazine title which makes the M and the A very hard to see and shows his dominance. The editing aswell is unconvtional since his hair looks as if it is set on fire and the lighting storm. It is very rare on magazine covers that elements will be merged most will stick to ethier. The cover also features some irony by using slang that would not be used by the readers of the magazine "well 80's issue" the use of arupt language on the cover aswell shows that this magazine appeals to those of a more older taste. The conventions that are normal are three giant splashs which cover most of the picture and the most important one about Megadeth is nearer the top and stands out the most due it being about Dave Mustane.

Monday 8 November 2010

Music Magazine: Research Conventions 1

This is a very unconvential cover. The main reason is due to the mass of people on the front cover. Usually a cover is based around a specific person or band. The magazine is based around the Award the Golden God which is in the middle of the page making all the rockers around it who are probably canditiates for the award as if they they are circling the award. The shot is also a high angle shot which is used to attempt to visualise that gods are looking down on them. The high angle shot is unconventional since it makes people generally look smaller while normally you would be attempting to show that the people on the front cover has pressence and domination therefore a low angle shot or a straight on view is conventional.

Sunday 7 November 2010

Music Magazine: Camera Shot Usage

This is a close up. When searching the web it was difficult to find images that were of rock and metal magazines. However this Kanye West cover is a prime example. The close up shows a lot of detail in the face and expression of a person which is great for showing emotion or in Kanye's case smugness of him saying "I am Rap". For my magazine I would use a close up mainly for cover not really for the double page since that would be unconventional although may create good effect.

This is a medium shot. It covers the waist upwards. This shot of Slash and Fergie also has a low angle to it aswell which is used to make Slash and Fergie seem taller and therefore more dominating than they actually are. This cover also uses a lot of added effects like the skin tone on Fergie, enhanced muscles on Slash (come on hes a guitar player not a weight lifter) and obviously a snake on Slashes arm. A medium shot is a good idea for a double page spread and cover. I would personally like Classic Rock's idea of the medium shot however the CGI on the picture is a little extreme.

A long shot captures the whole body in the shot. It is great for capturing whole poses of people like this picture of Lily Allen which shows her as cheeky since she is not showing her face and has her back turned to the readers. It also gives a sense of distance that you do not get with the other shots.

Photoshoot Pictures 2: Lucidity

Photoshoot Pictures 1: Individual