Sunday 7 November 2010

Music Magazine: Camera Shot Usage

This is a close up. When searching the web it was difficult to find images that were of rock and metal magazines. However this Kanye West cover is a prime example. The close up shows a lot of detail in the face and expression of a person which is great for showing emotion or in Kanye's case smugness of him saying "I am Rap". For my magazine I would use a close up mainly for cover not really for the double page since that would be unconventional although may create good effect.

This is a medium shot. It covers the waist upwards. This shot of Slash and Fergie also has a low angle to it aswell which is used to make Slash and Fergie seem taller and therefore more dominating than they actually are. This cover also uses a lot of added effects like the skin tone on Fergie, enhanced muscles on Slash (come on hes a guitar player not a weight lifter) and obviously a snake on Slashes arm. A medium shot is a good idea for a double page spread and cover. I would personally like Classic Rock's idea of the medium shot however the CGI on the picture is a little extreme.

A long shot captures the whole body in the shot. It is great for capturing whole poses of people like this picture of Lily Allen which shows her as cheeky since she is not showing her face and has her back turned to the readers. It also gives a sense of distance that you do not get with the other shots.

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