Tuesday 9 November 2010

Music Magazine: Research Conventions 2

 This is a very conventional magazine cover for a band. It features a band who are pictured with a low angle shot to make them look powerful. They are also shown in a long shot which shows their domance of the page. The splash segrigates their faces from their bodies which shows the most important thing on the page is the bands faces rather than the legs. Other conventions include the pug in the top right corner depicting that the readers will get a free CD and the postitions of the cross heads in the bottom right side is generally a place where they would go.

This a semi-conventional magazine cover. The main unconventionals are that Dave Mustane is covering most the magazine title which makes the M and the A very hard to see and shows his dominance. The editing aswell is unconvtional since his hair looks as if it is set on fire and the lighting storm. It is very rare on magazine covers that elements will be merged most will stick to ethier. The cover also features some irony by using slang that would not be used by the readers of the magazine "well 80's issue" the use of arupt language on the cover aswell shows that this magazine appeals to those of a more older taste. The conventions that are normal are three giant splashs which cover most of the picture and the most important one about Megadeth is nearer the top and stands out the most due it being about Dave Mustane.

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