Tuesday 2 November 2010

Music Magazine: Colour Scheme

I am now going towards the idea of making my music magazine, to do this I need a colour scheme based on the genre of my magazine; Metal/ Rock. Using my research I discovered that most magazines of that genre etheir for a cover use a dark cover or a light cover never mixing the both, usually for a metal covaser a darker colour is used (as in the Iron Maiden cover) This is personal opinion but I think the darker iron maiden cover looks better than the lighter Rammstein cover. Having based my colour schemes on a darker scheme and by using the very helpful website http://colorschemedesigner.com/ I was able to create five colour schemes that I will perhaps use on my magazine. The red based colour scheme is my personal favourate, however depending on what "band" I get to model on the cover the colour scheme will have to to fit in with the bands name. Take into account Iron Maiden there logo is and always has been red with the bands name to keep this into account Metal Hammer has changed its name to match with Iron Maidens since they are the main article on the cover. Simalary the Rammstein cover alters to make it look simalar to there font aswell.

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